Go Green! Go paperless with Law Practice Optimization
0The Go Green Advocacy was formulated in response to the growing demand to help save Mother Earth from destruction and in the last decade several programs have been created in order to support it. Law Practice Optimization is a recent addition to these programs and is now the latest trend in the Legal Industry.
The Legal Industry is probably one of the top culprits behind massive tree cutting in the past years. In a recent survey of paper use, results revealed that an average attorney generates more or less 100,000 sheets of paper a year which is enough paper to wrap the entire U.S. Supreme Court Building 66 times over and is equivalent to twelve 40 foot trees in a year. If the numbers can be reduced then imagine how many trees lawyers can save! But is it possible?
It is impossible for any lawyer not to use paper since document production is an inevitable part of his daily transactions. Voluminous amount of research and paperwork is a common site in the work place of these lawyers thus it is not unusual to encounter heated arguments amongst office personnel because of frustrations associated with finding specific files. If only there could be a way to get rid of these office annoyances and clutter.
Law Practice Optimization or Legal Practice Optimization (LPO), as others may call it, is the solution offered by software developers to the legal industry. It was developed and designed to help provide assistance to law firms by allowing them to obtain a better and more efficient office management in the work place. It introduces modern technology through the use of computer systems and LPO compliant case management programs such as The Legal Assistant that will aid lawyers with their daily routines.
Law Practice Optimization allows the Legal Industry to continue with their daily office routines without the regular office-paper hassles like regular filing of case folders, client files, letters, memorandum, billing statements, pleas, notifications, petitions and the like. Instead of the usual paper and file system, lawyers and their paralegals can simply click on their desired information and key-in specific commands for them to see the information they are looking for. These liberate them from long hours of searching which only brings frustrations and additional stress to the body.
In addition to the above benefits of LPO to the regular office works of lawyers, it also makes their lives more convenient since it allows lawyers to connect to their clients faster and more effectively. The designed software gives lawyer the luxury to receive their mail and even reminders or court notifications electronically or through SMS messages. Thus it puts an end to last minute formulation of Responses to the court simply because you or one of your assistants fails to remind you of the Court’s deadline.
Law Practice Optimization is the perfect tool for the modern law firm. It is in accordance with the Go Green Campaign advocacy to help save Mother Earth from destruction while assisting legal personnel and lawyers with their daily office work. It brings an end to cluttered offices and needless use of papers while providing you more time to handle family matters and other pressing issues which need to be attended to in the office. Moreover, it also helps increase the online exposure and marketing of law firms which ultimately enhances your chances of getting more clients and cases to handle.
For further information on LPO software or to arrange a live one on one demonstration of the software, read more on The Legal Assistant, our Legal Case Management Software suite.
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